Menuette lets you easily switch between icons and words in the menu bar by quickly clicking the mouse three times inside the menu bar. Simply click three times again to switch back. If you’re so inclined, you can use the Other Preferences… button in the Menuette control panel to choose how many clicks are necessary to switch between views — you can alter the setting to require only two clicks instead of three. We recommend, though, that you do not change this option unless you really feel strongly about it: setting it to require only two clicks makes it easy to switch views when you didn’t mean to. Use the Set Menu Font… button to choose a font that Menuette will use to display any menu titles that it cannot replace with icons. If you turn on the All Items option within this window, Menuette will try to replace the font for all items in a menu (and not just the titles). Pressing the Use Default button in this window causes Menuette to use Apple’s standard font for everything (the Chicago font on most English-language systems). If you want to permanently turn Menuette off, remove it from your Control Panels folder and restart your Macintosh. If you don’t want to see the Menuette icon at the bottom of your screen when you turn on your Mac, uncheck the box marked Show Startup Icon in the Menuette control panel. The Exclude Applications… button is described in the Troubleshooting help topic.